Monstera Variegata: What It Is & How to Care For It

Monstera Variegata: What It Is & How to Care For It

Variegated monstera plants, known for their stunning marbled leaves, require specific care to thrive. Key aspects include bright, indirect light, well-drained soil, regular watering, consistent temperatures, and high humidity. Use compost from a Karfo composter to enrich the soil. Despite their rarity and cost, proper care ensures these plants remain healthy and vibrant.
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Variegated Monstera plants are among the rarest and most coveted houseplants, admired for their stunning marbled leaves. However, these plants require specific care to maintain their unique appearance. Without proper attention, the health of the plant may decline, and its beautiful variegation could fade. This guide will help you provide the best care for your Monstera variegata.


Also known as the split-leaf philodendron or Swiss-cheese plant, the variegated Monstera hails from the tropical rainforests of south Panama and southern Mexico. It is valued for its large, marbled foliage that features a mix of green, creamy white, and yellow. Understanding its specific needs is crucial for maintaining its variegated leaves.

What is Monstera Variegata?

Monstera Variegata

Monstera variegata belongs to the Monstera genus, which includes 45 species. This plant is distinguished by its marbled leaves, which can display irregular patterns of white, green, and yellow. The creamy white variegation is due to a genetic mutation, but this mutation is not always stable, meaning the plant can revert to green leaves if not properly cared for. Factors like low light and extreme temperatures can cause the variegation to fade.

Why the Variegated Monstera Albo is Hard to Find

The Monstera deliciosa albo variegata is rare due to its difficulty in propagation and slower growth rate. The white variegated versions have less chlorophyll, making them harder to grow compared to their non-variegated counterparts.

Why Are Variegated Monsteras So Expensive?

The high price of variegated Monsteras is due to their rarity and the complexity of their propagation. Rooted leaf cuttings can cost hundreds of dollars, while healthy, whole plants can fetch thousands. This is because the white variegation is an unstable gene mutation that is passed down through stem propagation and careful seed collection.

How To Find a Variegated Monstera?

To find a variegated Monstera deliciosa, check online plant swap groups or social media marketplaces where cuttings and established plants are often sold. Look for plants with both green and white on their stems and leaves, and avoid cuttings that are entirely white, as they are difficult to grow due to low chlorophyll.

How to Care for Monstera deliciosa ‘Albo Variegata’

Here are some essential care tips for this tropical houseplant:

1. Light Requirements

Monstera albo thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. Place it near a south-facing window with a sheer curtain to filter the light. Avoid direct sunlight, which can burn the white parts of the leaves. Proper lighting is crucial to maintaining the plant's variegation.

2. SoilSoil

Use a well-draining soil mix consisting of equal parts potting soil, perlite, and orchid bark. This mix ensures good drainage and prevents root rot, a common issue with Monstera plants.

3. Watering

Water the Monstera when the soil feels dry. Check the soil moisture by inserting your finger a few inches deep. If the soil is dry, water deeply. Typically, you may need to water once a week during the growing season. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot.

4. Temperature

Maintain a temperature range of 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid placing the plant near doors, vents, or areas with drastic temperature fluctuations. The minimum temperature should not drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. Humidity

As a tropical plant, Monstera albo needs high humidity. Aim for around 60% humidity, which can be achieved with a humidifier or a pebble tray. Avoid misting the leaves and instead, use a damp cloth to clean them gently.

How to Fertilize Monstera deliciosa ‘Albo Variegata’

Fertilize the plant with a liquid fertilizer during its growing season and incorporate compost into the soil. You can use a kitchen composter like Karfo to create nutrient-rich compost from food waste. This compost can be added to your plant's soil to provide essential nutrients.


The Monstera deliciosa variegata is a stunning addition to any indoor garden, despite its specific care requirements. Providing the right amount of water, humidity, light, and well-drained soil, enriched with compost from your Karfo kitchen composter, will help ensure your plant thrives. If this guide has been helpful, please share it with others!

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