Waste Footprint: What is it and 9 Ways to Reduce it
Improve environment

Waste Footprint: What is it and 9 Ways to Reduce it

Reducing your waste footprint is an important step in creating a healthier planet for current and future generations. There are so many simple ways you can reduce your ecological footprint. Compost...
Does Compost Attract Animals? Ways to Keep Pests Out?

Does Compost Attract Animals? Ways to Keep Pests Out?

Composting is an important process to help reduce our carbon footprint, lower methane emissions, reduce garbage collection, and to practice environmental stewardship. However, this sometimes comes ...
How Long Does Compost Take + 5 Ways You Can Speed It Up

How Long Does Compost Take + 5 Ways You Can Speed It Up

Because of the complexity of making compost, there's no easy way to answer the question of how long it will take to create compost. Your pre-compost heap is different from anyone else's, which can ...
How to Prune Your Monstera

How to Prune Your Monstera

Monsteras are a common plant that can be grown as an indoor plant in many areas of the country and an outdoor plant in warmer southern climates. It is a fast-growing plant, prized for its folio age...
Compost Shredder: How to Use, Types, Benefits & More

Compost Shredder: How to Use, Types, Benefits & More

A compost shredder creates rich, fertile, nutrient-packed compost to increase soil fertility in gardens. It grinds and shreds up a mixture of ingredients from food waste, organic materials, and dec...
The Complete Guide to Composting Cardboard

The Complete Guide to Composting Cardboard

One of the most used items for shipping is cardboard boxes. They have always been essential for shipping and even more so with the pandemic. More folks have been faced with more cardboard than in t...
Can You Compost Pineapple?

Can You Compost Pineapple?

You may be wondering if you can put pineapple in your compost pile and will it mess it up or slow down the entire process. All parts of pineapple, including the flesh, crown, or stem and the tough ...
Can You Compost Cooked Vegetables?

Can You Compost Cooked Vegetables?

You can compost cooked vegetables and get an excellent result for your garden, mainly when you do it properly. However, it is vital to know a few considerations before answering for sure. Understan...
How Long Does it Take for Grass Clippings to Decompose?

How Long Does it Take for Grass Clippings to Decompose?

Composting grass clippings is a wonderful way to deal with it all without the work of bagging and having someone pick up along with other yard waste! You essentially do nothing, so long as you foll...