Can You Compost Bread?

Can You Compost Bread?

Bread can be composted and adds valuable nutrients to your compost pile. To prevent pests, shred the bread, bury it in the pile, and cover with carbon-rich materials. Moldy bread is especially beneficial. For an easy indoor solution, Karfo quickly turns food scraps into nutrient-rich soil.

Bread can be composted. It will break down in a backyard composter after a few months. However, composting bread can attract pests and other problems, so you'll need to take some precautions.

There’s a bit of debate around whether or not bread is compostable. Some people think that bread should never be composted, while others think it’s perfectly fine to add to the bin. Here, we’re going to discuss whether or not you should compost any bread in your composting bin.

Why Should You Compost Bread and Other Kitchen Waste?

Composting breaks down simple organic materials, such as approved food scraps, into nutrient-rich soil. Place larger items, including banana peels, apple cores, potato skins, and more into the composting bin for decomposition. Soon, you’ll be able to feed the resulting nutrient-dense soil to your plants for a more efficient growth cycle!

If you’re just diving into composting, there are many ways to get started. Here are some of the most common methods:

  • Cold Composting - Ideal for making compost at home, cold composting is simple and just as efficient. Pile up your organic materials to leave out in nature. However, your compost may take at least a year to become full using this method.
  • Hot Composting - Utilize heat at the ideal hot temperature of 141 to 155 degrees Fahrenheit to increase decomposition for quick results. However, your pile will need to contain plenty of high-nitrogen materials, otherwise known as green compost.
  • Tumble Composting - You may compost food scraps using a rotating compost bin, which evenly distributes heat, moisture, and nutrients. However, tumble composting machines are usually on the smaller side.
  • Worm Composting - Otherwise referred to as vermicomposting, earthworms are mixed into organic matter to create rich soil. You may vermicompost in a unique bin with evenly spaced holes that provide air for the worms.
  • Indoor Composting - Perhaps the easiest method, indoor composting is ideal for people who live in smaller spaces and still want to reduce their carbon footprint. You can use indoor plastic storage containers or crates to contain your composting pile.

Speaking of indoor composting at home, Karfo is a composting bin that makes it easy to break down your food waste right from home. Best of all, it fits right on the kitchen counter!

Can Bread Be Put In the Compost?

So, can you compost bread? Let’s find out!

1. How To Easily Compost Leftover Bread

There are several ways you can incorporate bread into your compost for faster decomposition. Let’s take a look at some of the following suggestions:

  • Rip the bread: You can rip bread into small bits before including it into the rest of your compost pile. Following this method attracts fewer pests and animals from possibly invading the pile.
  • Make a hole in the center for the bread scraps: Placing bread into the center of your compost pile builds more heat and again prevents possible attraction from animals and insects. Furthermore, this method can speed up overall decomposition.
  • Cover the bread and fill the hole: Placing any high-carbon materials on top of the bread is ideal for speeding up decomposition. Some examples of high-carbon materials, otherwise known as brown compost, to use are dry leaves or sawdust. Additionally, you may cover the bread and other food scraps with more compost.
  • Aerate your compost pile: Compost aerators can be very beneficial for any areas of your compost pile that require oxygen. You can also use a compost thermometer to check if the center of your pile reaches a hot temperature.

Now that we’ve talked extensively about how any of these methods can speed up the decomposition process when incorporating bread, consider also adding manure, garden soil, or finished compost for speedy decomposition.

2. Can Moldy Bread Be Composted?

Yes. Moldy bread is ideal, but stale bread is also great for composting. While you probably shouldn’t eat mold, your compost pile will love it! Mold contributes further to decomposition, making it a great idea to compost moldy bread.

3. Will Bread Attract Pests?

Insects and rodents love composting bread and other kitchen scraps, but don't let that prevent you from adding it to your compost. Try adding bread to the middle of your pile and bury it under more mature materials. Not only will this speed up the composting process, it will also avoid attracting pests.

Is Bread Green or Brown Compost?

Contrary to the fact that bread is brown in shade, stale bread, crackers, and chips are considered green compost, otherwise known as nitrogen-rich material. Carbon-rich material, on the other hand, is referred to as brown compost. Brown materials include items such as toothpicks, sawdust, and more. Keep in mind that only about ⅓ of your compost pile should be green.

What’s the Easiest Way to Compost?
Odor-free, pest-free, mess-free. It's that easy.

Although we’ve mentioned numerous composting methods, our favorite way to compost is right at home. Using the eco-friendly Karfo countertop composting machine, you can break down a myriad of food scraps, limit food waste, eliminate kitchen odors, reduce your carbon footprint, and more! In addition to food scraps, the innovative Karfo breaks down approved bioplastics in its Approved Bioplastic special cycle, including compostable cutlery, packaging, and coffee cups.

To use Karfo, place all of your food scraps into the machine and watch the magic unfold. After running a cycle, you’ll have an end product rich in nutrients and organic matter that makes perfect plant soil.


To conclude, yes, you can compost bread! After all, bread is organic matter. If you have any bread lying around that may otherwise go to waste, go ahead and compost it. Best of all, bread scraps break down just as rapidly as other food scraps in your Karfo bin. Simply press a button, run the cycle of your choice, and let Karfo create nutrient-rich potting soil for you.


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